
Fun Fraction Activity

I have actually had this little picture for a while and never got it posted.
Today is your lucky day. :-) HA!

fun fraction activity

This is a fun fraction activity I did within the first couple of days of a fraction unit.  I teach fourth grade, so it was sort of a review of basic fractions before we moved on to adding, subtracting, reducing, and all of that great stuff.  The good thing about this activity is that while creating the little animals, we  did get to talk about equivalent fractions.

For this fraction lesson, I used the book Picture Pie by Ed Emberly.  Basically, it was a lesson that was guided by me.  In the book, all of the creations are made starting with a circle.  So, when referring to fractions, the circle was the whole.  The students were then instructed to fold and cut in order to create halves, fourths, eights, etc.  For each animal, I did not tell them what the animal was.  It was a surprise.  I built it using my Ladybug projector, so they were able to see mine and follow along.  Once we added the extra details, such as eyes, dots on the ladybug, etc., they were like , "ohhhhh, it's a dog!!!" or whatever the creation was.  They had  a lot of fun, got a good review of fractions, and the finished product looked really cute hanging in the hallway. I got lots of compliments. 

 I will add that I gave the students circles that were already cut out.  This can be used with a cut-out machine, or you can just have your kids cut them out.  I wanted to cut down on the time, so I had the correct colored circles prepared ahead of class.  Enjoy!

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