
Free Printable Teacher To-Do List

Printable To-Do List

If you are like me, then you are a list kind of girl!  
I know... some people can't stand lists and they equate it to just having....
Not me!

To-do lists help keep me straight and help me prioritize what needs to get done.  My life is so extremely active. I have two teenagers and a twenty month old, so you can imagine that I have a lot on my plate.  I try to look at the whole picture of what I need to accomplish, but sometimes as a teacher it can get very overwhelming.  You know what I'm talking about...... things like:  have this ready for the meeting on Tuesday, turn this paper in on Monday, calculate this data by Friday, gather this for the IEP on Wednesday.... it's a wonder we get anything done at all due to brain overload! 

I try to make a list in the morning when I get to school of the things I have to get accomplished for that particular day. Sometimes I do it on the note section of my lesson plans and other times I just use a scratch piece of paper.  To start off my 2012, I decided to throw out the scratch paper and actually put a sheet together to help me prioritize what needs to get done each day.  I am including it as  a freebie if you would like to use it.  I plan to run one for each day.  Like I said, I know that this may seem like an added chore for some people, especially rewriting a few things from day to day, but for me, writing things down each day also helps me to remember what I need to get accomplished.

If you are a list kind of girl, then feel free to download it here:  FREE Printable Teacher To-Do List

Remember:  Be Wise... Prioritize!

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