Things that Annoy the Teacher
Do you have anything that absolutely annoys you?
Things that don't seem to bother other people, yet they get on your ever-lasting
nerve. To some people, this might be called a pet peeve.
The dictionary says that a pet peeve is a minor annoyance, but
I am afraid that mine is more than minor. What do you call it if it
reaches 'major' annoyance? Good question, ah? I'm
probably getting into some kind of psychological diagnosis when it gets to that
point. HA!
My annoyance is going to seem
ridiculous to some, but here goes.......
No, it's not the potato chips and Pop-tarts themselves. It's
the packaging! I can not stand to hear the rattling of the
package. For example, if someone is sitting beside me and they keep
sticking their hand inside the package to get some chips out. I hate the
sound every time their hand reaches in the bag.... over and over again.... so
annoying! If you are sitting by me and you eat a Pop-tart (or anything
else in a package), please, please remove it from the package and put it on a
paper towel. The crinkling sound just drives me nuts. I know, it's crazy! ................okay, it's not like I can't ever be in the same room with someone who has to eat from the bag, but hear me now....I'm cringing on the inside...
My kids and husband have pretty much gotten used
to me saying, "That gets on my nerves!" When I am teaching and it's snack time, my students know the routine from day packages!!
Either use a Zip lock bag (not nearly as much noise) or put it on a paper
towel. If they didn't know what a pet peeve was before they arrived in my class, they go home from the start with a new vocabulary word. Plus,
they get a good laugh out of it. We always laugh about it. :-)
I am not alone when it comes to stuff like
this. Some favorite annoyances shared on the Internet
- People who block the aisles in Wal-mart, talking
- Pens clicking
- Whining
- smacking food
- People who take up two parking spaces
- People who drive under the speed limit
- So many more!!
It's packages for me, but it's other things for
other people. With me, I probably have some kind of sensitivity to
high-pitched sounds or something like that. Either that or I'm just a complete wack-O! What about you, do you have
anything that annoys you?
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