
21 Sayings Elementary Teachers Can Relate To

21 Things Teachers Say

Being an elementary teacher comes with a unique set of challenges and humorous moments. Here are 21 sayings that every elementary teacher can relate to:

Teacher Meeting with Students for Reading

Things Teachers Say:

  1. WHY am I here late on a Friday.... AGAIN!!
  2. I can't believe I am dragging all of this crap home, I'm sure it won't even leave my trunk!!
  3. It's Sunday night..... do I have to get up and go to work tomorrow?
  4. Awww. Good morning. Thank you sweetie for the (half-eaten) breakfast treat.
  5. Planning time... what planning time???? Oh, you mean meeting time!
  6. Quiet in the halls...stay in a line... right side.
  7. Who on Earth locks the stall from the inside and crawls under!!!
  8. This is the fifth time we have done this!! What do you mean you have never heard it?
  9. Is there an acronym we don't have?
  10. I cannot believe I just sat down and in walks my admin.
  11. Really... how many times does a pencil need sharpening?
  12. You found WHAT in your desk?
  13. And why am I writing these standards on my board?
  14. Hey... it's quiet reading time! Hey... it's QUIET reading time.
  15. Have they never seen snow before?
  16. Make sure you bubble in the circle. #2 pencil only.
  17. Please don't pour your milk in your corn, and STOP stabbing your apple. Does your mother let you do that?
  18. Hey... get down from the monkey bars like that!
  19. Pencil shavings are the death of me!
  20. Quiet, it's bus call! Thank you, Jesus!
  21. I sure love my job!

These sayings encapsulate the day-to-day experiences, frustrations, and joys of elementary teaching. Teachers often juggle a myriad of tasks, from handling classroom management to understanding each student's unique needs. Through all the chaos, one thing remains constant – their love for teaching and their students.

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