Showing posts with label adjectives. Show all posts
Showing posts with label adjectives. Show all posts


Adjective and Setting Activities

Adjective Activities and Setting, too

This past week, I sort of combined my reading skill of setting with my grammar skill of adjectives. In doing so, we discussed that in order for the reader to be able to visualize (with chapter books in particular) the setting of the story, the author has to use very descriptive language.... aka, adjectives I thought I would share just a few of the activities we did.

For starters, I read this book to the class:

Before I read the book to the class, I explained to them that I was able to make a connection to the setting of this book because my twenty month old's toys are taking over my house.  This is a really cute book, and my fourth graders loved hearing it as a teacher read aloud.  It uses many descriptive phrases to show how the toys are taking over Spencer's house.  It is common practice in my classroom for me to use picture books to introduce and teach skills, and this one worked well for setting and adjectives

As one of our writing activities, I had them do a snow globe setting write-up.  Basically, they had to create a description of what their own 'winter wonderland' would be like. If I stepped into their snow globe setting, what would I see? After they did their creative descriptive writing, they were able to make a snow globe.  I simply traced the circles onto white construction paper and then cut black construction paper for the base.  Here they are displayed outside my classroom.

A third activity we did this past week is one I sell in my Teachers Pay Teacher's store. It's called Ooey Gooey Chocolatey Adjectives Activity. With this activity, the students will write adjectives to describe a chocolate bar, marshmallows, and a graham cracker.  On the skill sheet, they write down descriptive words related to all five sense.  Believe it or not, they see these foods all the time, but coming up with descriptive language is quite challenging. 

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