I love reading the book Sarah, Plain and Tall by Patricia MacLachlan with my students. I actually have an entire class set, so we typically read and discuss it together. I have also used it with a small group, such as with non-struggling readers that may be working together while I am working with a lower level guided reading group. I like the book Sarah, Plain and Tall because of its realistic fiction and because of its plot, which I would consider a slower paced plot. It's sort of old school, way far from today's favorites like Diary of a Wimpy Kid and such. My kids never seem real sure about the book when we start, but then they always end up loving it. As always, I tend to create activities that go along with what I am doing in the classroom. So, you guessed it. I have put together a fun little activity pack to use with this wonderful book. These activities are great for holding students accountable for their reading, especially if it is independent reading. If you use interactive notebooks in your classroom, these activities are perfect. If you don't use interactive notebooks, you can still use them. You could have them glue the activities onto construction paper, tag board, or inside a file folder. If you use a file folder, it will be like a lap book. You can learn more about the activities by clicking the link below. Enjoy!
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How the book evolved- Click HERE for audio.
Video reading of Chapter one- Click HERE for video.
Interview with Patricia MacLachlan- Click HERE for interview.
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