
Test Taking Activities

The count down is on for me.  I have one full week of school, then spring break, one more full week, and then it is time for "THE TEST"... yep, it is state testing time.  In the state of GA, we take the CRCT.  In 4th grade, which is the grade I teach, students have to pass ALL subjects of the test to be automatically promoted to the 5th grade.  This is a county policy where I teach, and if they fail a section, they must go to several weeks of summer school and then retest.... hoping at that point they will pass and all will be good. 

This coming week, the week before spring break, we do what is called Boot Camp.  Several weeks ago we had a half day planning where we met and broke down some recent benchmark data to see what the twenty weakest skills were across the 4th grade as a whole.  Each of the 5 teachers then has 4 lessons they will reteach to the entire 4th grade.  The classes will rotate around throughout this next week for the first ten lessons, and then they will get the next ten the week after spring break.  These are 35 minute intense lessons that review and recap the objectives.  With that said, it is what I often refer to as 'crack down time'.  This is it folks..... it's what we have been working towards....  it's all about "THE TEST"!

Don't you hate that it is all about a test.  I try not to focus on it too terribly much, but in the end, it is the education system that pushes us to focus so much on those dang standardized tests.  Benchmark after benchmark test.  Breaking down data time after time. Even after nearly 20 years in education, there is still some level of stress that comes with this annual test.  You want the kids to do well and you can only hope they will.  I have to remind myself that I taught the material to the best of my ability.  I made learning fun.  I can't work miracles.  When all is said and done and the tests are passed out and their #2 pencils hit the paper, it is going to be all about how the child performs and not how I taught. Why do I think that way?..............I am confident enough in my teaching abilities to realize that I was a damn good teacher this year, and in the end, the scores are what they are.  Some will surpass standards, some kids will meet standards, and  yes, there always seem to be a couple that don't meet standards.  Did they progress?  YES!  Did I help them master two years of material in one year to bring them up to grade level?  Probably not.  Did I try? YES!  Will I doubt my teaching ability based on any failures?  Absolutely NOT!

Here is a fun little poster activity I have in my TpT store that I will have my kids complete this coming week.  It will get them thinking about this very important test.  These posters look great hanging outside the classroom.  In addition, I have a banner that you can hang with these.  Everyone that walks past your display will start thinking about "THE TEST".

Test Taking Activity

Test Taking Activity

Just add a treat.

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