My Movie Themed Classroom
Yep, it's that time again.... Back to School!
In my district, teachers go back this coming Monday. Just as I do every year, I have spent several days in my room this week trying to get ahead of the preplanning game. Isn't it terrible that you feel like you have to do stuff before preplanning just to feel on top of things! After 17 years, I still feel that way. Anyway, I thought I would share a few things from my classroom. I have tried to work a movie theme into different areas of the room. I still have lots to do, but here is a peek at what I've done thus far. All of these items can be purchased from my Teachers Pay Teachers Store. So, here goes.....
These are my movie themed classroom rules posters and my calendar set. You can purchase the movie themed class rules by clicking HERE. The calendar set comes in my movie themed classroom decoration set, and it can be purchased HERE.
Click on images to enlarge.
This is my movie themed hallway display. It stays up all year, and I just change out the kids' work.
This also comes as part of my movie themed classroom decoration set.
I tried to work something movie themed into my reading area, so I printed off some theater curtains and made a poster that says, "Books are like Movies".
This is something I made to help me call on kids randomly. I won't use it all the time, but it's nice to be able to pull names out of a 'hat' sometimes. Once I have my class list, I will put the kids' names on each of the popcorn pieces. This can be purchased HERE.
These are movie themed labels for my essential questions. I simply clip them to my dry erase board and write the questions beside them.
I also hung a few other things that are not movie themed, but I thought I would share.
This is a place value chart I made using color coding. Check out the details HERE.
This is a place value chart I made using color coding. Check out the details HERE.
I am using the set below as part of my behavior management. There is a positive word for every letter of the alphabet. Under each word are two cards. Each month the kids can earn their name under a card when I see them displaying the positive behavior. This display can be viewed and purchased HERE.
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