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Friday, January 6, 2012

New Year's Contest Winners


Congratulations to the lucky winners!  I hope you enjoy all of your freebies from the wonderful teachers that participated.  I will be contacting the winners individually via email.  My grand prize winner did not leave an email address and I can't read the icon from the blog image she left, so I will try and get in contact with her some how some way.  If I can't get in touch with her in a week, I will pick another random number. 
Thank you to everyone who entered, and thanks for following my blog.  I appreciate it!

And the winners are:

Elizabeth, if you are reading this... send me an email :-)


  1. Am I the right Elizabeth???

    Fun in Room 4B

  2. LOVE your blog!!! I gave you an award, come on over and check it out :) I would love to contribute to your next giveaway that you do as well.

  3. Yep Elizabeth, it seems that it would be YOU.
    :-) Let me know your picks and send them to me via email. Tell me the store name and give me a link to the items. Thanks.

  4. Thanks Amy. I will try and remember you for next time. I will check out your blog :-)

  5. Molly~
    I just sent you my picks.

    Thanks again! I'm so excited!


    Fun in Room 4B


If your comment is made on a post that was written over 10 days ago, moderation is needed due to the amount of SPAM comments I am getting. Some can be totally inappropriate.....Thank you for taking the time to respond to my blog posts. What you have to share is important. I look forward to posting what you have to say as soon as I can. ~Molly