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Sunday, May 29, 2016

Classroom Newsletter Templates and Tips

Do you ever have parents say things like, "But I didn't know my child was going to have a test on the American Revolution" or "But I wasn't aware there was an upcoming field trip." That's right!  I have had parents in the past say things like that, and my response is always, "I'm so sorry, but it was in the class newsletter."  With that said, I have taken some steps over the years to help parents be aware of the fact that a newsletter is being sent home. In addition, I try to help them realize how important it is to read the information. When sending a newsletter, it is important to choose a method that works for you and be consistent. 

Tips for Choosing a Type of Newsletter
  1. Go Digital - In a day of desktops and iPhones, a digital file can be a highly desirable means for receiving a classroom newsletter.  Parents are on the go!  With a digital file they can open the attached newsletter any place they have access to email. Clearly mark the subject line of the email with 'important classroom newsletter', so it reminds parents to take time to read.
  2. Paper can be a Plus - Parents might be able to read the digital file on the go, but they don't always have access to a printer.  The newsletter might be read by the parents, but the information might also be forgotten.  With a paper copy, parents can stick it on the refrigerator or hang it on a bulletin board. Having it visible gives daily reminders of upcoming tests, curriculum being studied, or events happening in the near future.  
  3. Digital and Paper - I prefer to send both digital and paper classroom newsletters. You know the saying, 'two is better than one'. Well, using two methods of sending home the newsletter increases the chances parents will read it and stay informed. I have found it is worth my time to attach it in an email, as well as send it home in a weekly folder.
  4. Link Up the News - Another way to keep parents informed is to save the newsletter and upload it as a Google document. Add a link to the document on your class website.  Parents can then reread the newsletters any time they want. They can also print a second copy if they lost the first one.  It's convenient for parents, because they have access to all newsletters throughout the year.  With this method, there is no excuse for not knowing what's happening. 

Classroom Newsletter Templates

Planning to go the paper route?