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Wednesday, June 24, 2015

"My Personal Side" Link Up: Favorite Cup or Mug

Coffee Mugs Teachers Like

I love teacher blogs.  I love reading about teachers' classrooms and all of the great ideas teachers have. With that said though, I also LOVE getting a glimpse inside their personal lives.  You know, it doesn't have to be much..... maybe their favorite food, an activity they did with their own kids, that hot new car they just bought, or whatever!  It's just fun to see the person behind the blog. It makes things real for me.  It's a human connection and not just a teacher connection.

And, because I love gaining insight into people's lives.... no, not the stalking kind of insight :-), just fun little tidbits of info, this link-up has been born.  It's called "My Personal Side", and it will allow teachers to share a little about themselves based on the topic given. I am not quite sure about the schedule of things yet, but there will be lots of upcoming topics.


So, here we go!
This first link up is sharing something we all use every day... a cup, a mug, a favorite drink! I have a favorite mug that has a positive message, and it's one that goes hand in hand with my TpT.  It has a quote from Steve Jobs on it that says, "The only way to do great work is to love what you do." I love designing classroom materials so much that it simply doesn't seem like work at all.  When I read this message, it reminds me that life is short, so find and do something that you love. It's a daily reminder.
What will you find me drinking in my mug?  I like to drink coffee in the mornings, typically it is Krispy Creme brand and I can find it at Kroger.  I add milk and Splenda.  It's a perfect way to start my day. During the day, I love Diet Coke. Is it bad that I stop at Sonic almost every day for a large Diet Coke.  Happy Hour is my favorite because it's half price...  Cheers!


How about you?

Join the fun by posting your favorite mug or cup. Tell us what you like to drink. Link back to this post, and we can all get to know each other, the people behind the blogs.
Feel free to use the top image when you post. It can be pinned too from your blog.

When you link up, please title the image with "your name and  blog name" and then link directly to the post.  Try to use a picture of your cup/mug. Can't wait to read these!