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Sunday, January 27, 2013

Classroom Game Card Storage

I know most teachers are probably like me and use Ziploc® baggies to store their game cards for classroom games. For my file folder games I put the cards in a baggies and put them inside the folder. Some games though don't really go in a file folder, and they are just plain game cards, such as for memory games. For these games, instead of using just a plain 'ole baggie, I came across these adorable reusable sandwich baggies in the dollar isle at Target (every teachers favorite stop as they enter Target). These baggies will add a tad more flare to the game instead of just passing out a plain sandwich bag. Three bags came in a pack for a dollar.

classroom game storage

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Saturday, January 26, 2013

Kid President

I just had to share this video with you.  It was shared with me, and I just fell in love with this little guy, He calls himself  "Kid President". He is so absolutely adorable that I'm thinking it's a good thing they have a minimum age for U.S. President because he would give the big guys a run for their money.  
No politics, just real life messages. Listen and you will learn...........

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Sunday, January 20, 2013

Teacher Pet Peeves

Don't be thrown off by the title.
 I mean.... come on!
We all have pet peeves, right
We have them with our husbands, our own kids, co-workers from our jobs, and even with the person who lives down the street. So, it just goes with the territory for teachers to have pet peeves too.
Pet peeves.
 you know what they are....
 those minor occurrences that you find particularly annoying while others are not bothered by them at all. The ones that really get on your nerves!!
On the way to church this morning my husband was chewing gum.  Smack... smack.  I just can't stand the sound of smacking gum.  I said, "I'm going to ask one time for you to please consider something."  He said, "What?  Stop smacking my gum?"  Goodness, he knows me all too well.  People should just close their mouth when they chew their gum and little Ms. Molly will be happy.
The gum situation got me thinking about my pet peeves within my classroom.  After all, despite the fact that I am the teacher and adore the kids to pieces, pet peeves are hard to control.  I figure the kids and I are all better off if I just warn them ahead of time what mine are. So, at the start of school I just tell them straight up. After we go over the definition of what a pet peeve is, I tell them mine, and of course, they get the idea, and can offer insight into what really annoys them, too.  So here goes.  Here are a few things that tend to annoy me.
1)  Crinkling Snack Bags - I simply can NOT stand it when a child brings a bag such as a chip bag during snack time and I have to hear the crinkle sound every time their hand enters the bag.  It is incredibly annoying while I am teaching.  They are told from the start of the year to please use a plastic zip lock type bag or to put it on a paper towel.  They are always so good at remembering, which puts a smile on my face.
2) Sticking a fork in apples and then putting a straw in the hole-  I mean, really!! Can you really get apple to come through the straw?  Maybe you can get your ears to pop.  It's just weird, right? 
3)  Picking at name tags on desks-  Seriously...... Why?  Why do you want an ugly peeled name tag on the corner of your desk?  Just respect the name tag and leave it alone.  smile, smile
4)  I Can Draw Books-  This is not art class!  They have a time and a place, but reading time is not one of them.  I'm glad you want to learn to draw a dinosaur, but let's learn how to read the word dinosaur first.  Take them home!
5)  Piling up coats at recess -  So, they take their coats outside and then get hot.  What do they do next? Make a pile that is 40 coats deep.  What is the logic behind that?  We all line up and there they go... digging, tossing, and grabbing in order to find their jacket.  Why oh why?
I probably have a few more, but you might start thinking I am wacky if I keep going.  Okay, you might already think I'm wacky...LOL.  Anyway, do you have any pet peeves in the classroom?  If so, how about sharing a few in my comments section below.  It will be fun to hear what gets under everyone's skin, so to speak. 

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Saturday, January 12, 2013

The Future of Teaching

This part of teaching saddens me.
My thoughts....

Click on the image to enlarge.

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